Sunday, April 27, 2008

Houston, we are having problems.

I am so tired. I want to sleep badly. But, I also want to cover all that happened today.

  1. Nobou and his wife Yuki visited. They were very nice, I must say. I guess all the party crap was somewhat worth it. Nobou was younger than I expected (I think he said he was 36) and Yuki was really polite.
  2. We had to put Captain Call down. He was so sickly looking and the infection had spread to his eye. I don't know what I'm going to do with his (empty) aquarium. I don't think I'll get another fish.
  3. I lost my hematite ring! I looked all over my room for it and can't find it! I was in a hurry when I took it off so... I guess that's how it happened. I guess... at least I have two new ones to replace it? But I want that one!
We took care of Captain Call right after Nobou and Yuki left. I found out that my ring was missing right after I got out of the shower (to make deviled eggs). The way things went, which I can't describe here, it almost felt as if there was something more to what was happening. Like, what are the chances of my ring disappearing right when I get two new ones? and why did Captian Call, a Japanese fish, "die" right after two Japanese people left my home? And also, what are the chances of the first company we've ever had over being Japanese?

I don't know~~~ maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but this is how my brain works. If you'd been there, maybe you would have felt it too.

Like, maybe it's to show the cycle of life or something? To show a new beginning maybe. And Mom did mention that the exciting moment/drama moment was an example of how life is. (<_<)

I am going to bed right after I file, like, 5 pictures. I downloaded Morai Naki - Hitoto You and Say Anything - Good Charlotte today. Both were video extractions. I also got another copy of First Rain - The TRAX because my copy was "skipping".


Listening to: X Japan - I.V.

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