Saturday, April 26, 2008


I keep trying to find out more about Shou, but there aren't THAT many translations and interviews out there. (T_T) Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong spots?

Anyway, I found this one (below). It's so good because he keeps looking into the camera with those beautiful eyes of his. I nearly died! (=_=)

Shou wants to go to Iceland?! Okay~~~ But Saga wants to go to Kenya? *Saga's respect meter goes up* Great respect for any Asian who wants to go to Africa. Major lovies.


PS> In the beginning, Hiroto hits his lip on the microphone. I could make so many jokes about this! LOL~ Jokes like: His big rabbit teeth reached out and tried to attack the microphone. LOL~ *dies* But no, we love Hiroto. *runs off laughing*

Listening to: SuG - Scheat

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