Monday, April 14, 2008



I had to print out Nobou's thank you note today and I couldn't find the paper! I could have had it printed out an hour ago, but mom put it in some obscure spot. *strangles self* IT WAS SO ANNOYING~

I got it printed out though and signed it too. I hope he likes it. The stationary has little plants around the edge. It's Hallmark stationary, if that matters.

Anyway, after I printed it out I logged onto Flickr and printed out three pictures. One of FTI, one of Gackt and one of Shou. I don't know where I'm going to put them yet, but hey! I earned it! [After I printed them out, I logged out, erased my username, and deleted all the Flickr stuff out of the History. I'm bad, I know. What am I going to say, "Hey mom! Look at these sexy J-Rock pictures I printed out!" FTI isn't J-Rock but... ah~ whatever.]

Now I have to do school and it's almost noon. *dies*


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